Attention Bakers Crossing:
Fellow Bakers Crossing Homeowners, in lieu of the recent security concerns that have risen over the past week, we wish to address the serious issues and give an update on progress this far.
We are taking proactive steps in helping the community remain a safe, secure place to live. We are working with Seminole County Police Department to ascertain patrol details in the community on a regular basis, as well as looking into third party security to help offset the SPD details. We are working to get this done as soon as possible.
We will also be meeting with our gate control company to go over ways of making our entry and exit gates more secure, which will most likely include issuing new codes on quarterly basis and possibly new gate transponders. Moving in this direction will deter the codes from being passed around so freely.
As we get more information regarding the gates we will pass it on.
In the interim there is only so much that we as the HOA can do. For the betterment of the community, we are asking that we each do our part by looking out for each other and making sure our homes and vehicles are secure. This includes making sure that valuable items not be left in plain sight inside your vehicles, and making sure that they are secure every night. If you happen to notice suspicious activity please report it to local authorities and contact Sentry management.
As we get more information we will post updates on the website, via email blast, and on social media. Please make sure that Sentry has your most up to date email addresses.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Keli at Sentry Management:.
Keli Schoening
407.788-6700 X-51109
Also, if you wish to speak to any of the HOA board members, please let Keli know and she will connect us.
Thank you!